ADB mission members visit Melamchi Subproject-02 construction sites
<p>A regular water supply and IED mission from the Asian Development Bank attended PID’s presentation on the status of safeguards at construction sites under Melamchi Water Supply Subproject-02, at PID Hall on January 28, 2019. The presentation covered topics such as safeguards assurance mechanism, status of compliance monitoring, new initiatives taken to further improve safeguards compliance at construction sites and good safeguards practices.</p>
<p>During the presentation, PID officials responded to questions coming from mission members, which were mainly related to Grievance Redress Mechanism and its working procedure, the process of land acquisition and compensation, among others.</p>
<p>Mission members also visited project sites, including Durbarmarg, Panipokhari, Tripureshwor, Teku and Kuleshwor with PID officials.</p>
Last updated 3 mins ago