Experts mull over Melamchi project risks
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<p>Kathmandu, October 29, 2017 <br />
Under Melamchi Water Supply Project, the 27 km Tunnel, a Reservoir with 85 MLD water holding capacity at Sundarijal, the Bulk Distribution System (BDS) including 9 Service Reservoirs each with 50 cu.m capacity, 700 km Distribution Network Improvement (DNIs), and 85,000 taps connection are fast reaching their completion stage. As responsibilities of execution and operation are divided across a range of stakeholders, a thoughtful synchronization of key activities will be the key for the Project’s success.</p>
<p>A one-day workshop on risk management was organized by the Project Implementation Directorate on October 27, 2017 at Gokarna Forest Resort. The objective of the workshop was to (a) jointly assess and prioritize the inherent risks, and (b) start a process for the preparation of risk management plan for smooth commissioning of the Melamchi Project to ensure that water flows from the headworks to the citizens’ taps.</p>
<p>Participated by more than 40 sector professionals representing the Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation, Melamchi Water Supply Development Board, PID, KUKL, ADB, consultants and contractors, among others, the meeting jointly looked at the inherent emerging and future risks at different components of the Project such as the Source, Melamchi Tunnel, Water Treatment Plant, Bulk Distribution System and Service Reservoir Tanks, Distribution Network Improvement, Institutional and Management Readiness of KUKL including associated interface issues.</p>
<p>The workshop came up with a preliminary risk assessment and management plan to be finalized in the coming weeks, including an institutional structure to coordinate the plan implementation in a coherent and harmonized manner.</p>
Last updated 3 mins ago