Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project(KVWSIP) ADB LOAN-2776
The ‘Kathmandu Valley Water Supply and Sanitation Project’ is implemented to mitigate the immediate existing demand of water supply before Melamchi Water arrives in the Kathmandu Valley, by means of immediate improvement of existing water supply system through rehabilitation of existing surface sources, construction of bulk distribution system, improvement of distribution network and exploring ground water in the valley. The project has been effective from November 2010.
Feasibility Study: 1998
Contract agreement with ADB: December, 2000
Budget: 44 Million US Dollar

The objectives of the project are as follows: Improvement in public health Improvement in quality of life water supply services for residents and other customers in KUKL service area Upgrade of water supply infrastructure

Scope of Works
The scopes of services of KVWSSP are as follows: Immediate improvements of water supply services in Kathmandu valley through augmentation of surface and groundwater sources Water quality improvement related works Rehabilitation and improvement of water supply and sewer networks at the primary secondary and tertiary levels as well as house connections in parts of KUKL service area Design and construction of the Bulk Distribution System (BDS) Wastewater Systems Improvements in a phased manner Improvement of the Service Management system of KUKL.

Progress Status