Tender Notices- Bidding Document
Notice of Intent to Award for contract no. DSC-WW-03: Consultancy Service for Design, Supervision and Management Consultant

Notice of Intend to Award of Contract No-KUKL/WW/TP/R-02 Construction of Remaining works of Wastewater Treatment Plants at Sallaghari, Kodku and Dhobighat

Notice of Intent to Award for Contract No. KUKL-WW-WSE-02: Supply of Wastewater Surveillance Lab Equipment

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना- बोलपत्र संकेत नं. KUKL/SG/NCB/2079/80-सुरक्षा गार्ड सेवा सम्बन्धी

Notice of Intent to Award For PID-KUKL /Office Building/NCB/ 2079/80 for Construction of Administrative Building for PID, KUKL at Dhobighat, Lalitpur

Notice of Intent to Award for Contract No.: KUKL/SRT /06B Construction of Two Service Reservoir Tanks (SRTs) at Balaju

Notice of Intent to Award forContract No- KUKL/WW/ SN-04: Sewer Network Development Works in Gokarna

Notice of Intent to Award for contract no KUKL-CASSC-03 for Consulting service for community awareness and social safeguard consultant

Notice of Intent to Award for Contract No- KUKL-WW-DEWATS-01 Construction of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plant at Gokarna & Hanumanghat

Notice of Intent to Award for Contract No. : KUKL/BDS – 05; Laying of Transmission Main from Sundarijal to Chabahil Chowk, and Construction of Related Civil Structures and Contract No. : KUKL/DNI - 7B, 7C & 9a-Mandikhatar-Distribution Network Improvement Works (Package 5,6,7)

Notice of Intent to Award For Contract No- KUKL/SCADA/01: Management of the New Water Network of Kathmandu Valley using Valves Actuated with SCADA

Correction of Notice of Intend to Award for Contract No- KUKL-WW/ SN-03 - Sewer Rehabilitation in Core City Area of Lalitpur Metropolitan City

Notice of Intent to Award for Contract No- KUKL-WW/ SN-03 - Sewer Rehabilitation in Core City Area of Lalitpur Metropolitan City

Notice of Intent to Award for Contract no. KUKL/DNI/ 9a-1/Kapan ; Distribution Network Improvement Works in Kapan

Notice of Intent to Award - ADB Loan No: 3255 NEP: Contract No: KUKL/DNI/W/02/23 - Supply, installation and Integration/Disintegration of Existing and New Networks