Community Awareness and Participation Activities
PID has been facing social issues/grievances in the project areas as a result of pipe laying construction works since the beginning. Those issues/grievances need to be addressed on time to let the construction works move ahead without any disturbances. Thus, PID has implemented various community programs including public consultation, community meetings and regular site visits to identify and address those issues/disputes by providing appropriate solution. A social consultant team named ‘Community Awareness and Participation Consultant (CAPC) is engaged by PID to handle social issues/grievances during construction works. CAPC has been assisting PID to create positive/favourable environment for smooth construction work in the project areas. It works for social preparedness with the aim of minimizing social issues/disputes that come up in the project areas as a result of construction works. The team has been involved in recording, planning and implementation of grievances raised in the community. The team has been experiencing more time consuming and critical social issues, i.e. land verification issues in Sundarijal, BDS and Sewer line in Arubari, Nakkhu Khola Pipe protection in project areas. To address these issues, PID carried out door to door visit to household and schools, community meetings/public consultations, focus group discussions, meeting at ward/cluster levels and coordination with key stakeholders with the aim of informing and updating regarding project activities.
PID is also implementing Community Awareness and Participation Plan (CAPP) and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in all activities of the project. Among the several strategies of PID in community mobilization, communication plays vital role to inform and motivate local people in project activities. Thus, PID also uses IEC materials and mass media tools in order to disseminate project information to the concerned people and authorities. It is also conducting promotional activities such as training programs on water conservation measures, good practice of waste management and rain water harvesting etc. at household and community level.

To prepare community profile for each DNI and BDS area by organizing socio-economic baseline survey of the project To disseminate information by conducting campaigns and training activities for public awareness building, participation and mobilization focusing on community through ward citizen groups, tole committees, local NGOs, user’s group, women groups, civil society organizations, schools and general public residing in the project area To conduct health and hygiene education program targeting all important stakeholders at all stages of project implementation To promote water conservation measures, individual house connections, good waste management practices and rain water harvesting at community and household levels To implement and conduct the identified activities mentioned in Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Action Plan To take required actions for resolution of social issues / disputes

Scope of Works
Baseline Information Collection/Survey Community Awareness, Participation, Mobilization and People’s Education Health and Hygiene Education Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Promotion of Water Conservation Measures, Individual House Connections, Good Waste Management Practices and Rainwater harvesting at Community /Household Level.