Sectional flushing and commissioning of BDS begins
<p>Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited, Project Implementation Directorate (PID) has started sectional flushing and commissioning of the Bulk Distribution System (BDS). As part of the operation meant to gradually ensure full functionality of the water distribution system, the PID started diverting water (35-40 million litres per day) from the intake to the Sundarijal Water Treatment Plant (WTP) on August 15, 2019 for sectional flushing and commissioning of BDS pipelines. <br />
• August 16-19: PID conducted flushing of the washouts at Sundarijal, Bagmati, Kolamati and Gokarna<br />
• August 19-20: Flushing of the BDS pipeline from the Sundarijal WTP to Dhobikhola Bridge (Vaijani Pool) was conducted. During this operation, turbidity of the discharge was brought to around 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU)<br />
• Like last year, PID is flushing and commissioning other BDS sections in a gradual manner, apart from conducting 72-hr drop test at Balaju service reservoir tank (SRT) and New Mahankal SRT, among others</p>
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Last updated 3 mins ago