Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Workshop
<p>Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited, Project Implementation Directorate (PID) organised a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) workshop for Construction Supervision Engineers (CSEs) and contractors on December 17, 2019. The overall objective of the workshop was to discuss Nepal Labour Act and Labour Rules, GESI Action Plan and the Government of Nepal's GESI Guidelines.</p>
<p>The specific objectives were to a) orient contractors, Design Supervision Consultants (DSCs) and workers on core labour standards (equal wages, health and safety) based on Nepal Labour Act and Labour Rules b) Discuss contractual obligations related to GESI c) Understand issues and problems faced while implementing projects and ways to overcome them.</p>
<p>Project Director of PID, Bhoj Bikram Thapa expressed hope that this workshop will help achieve gender mainstreaming in project areas. He pointed that they were working with the main focus on supplying Melamchi water to the public.</p>
<p>Team Leader of the Community Awareness and Safeguards Support Consultant, Ram Krishna Giri, pointed that they were presenting a GESI checklist at the workshop with the objective of receiving feedback from DSCs and contractors.</p>
<p>Sociologist of PID, Vidya Bhandari, made a presentation on Nepal Labour Act and Labour Rules by including issues like a) equal wage for equal work b) obligations of workers and the contractors c) legal restrictions on child labour d) labour and labour welfare-related policy arrangements e) occupational health and safety provisions g) the right to work.</p>
<p>While Sociologist of PID, Pramila Adhikari Neupane, made a presentation on GESI Action Plan and the Government of Nepal's GESI guidelines by including points like a) legal provision on appointment of locals living in project areas b) 45 per cent of the workforce from women, poor and deprived communities on the basis of their skills and expertise c) adequate training opportunities for inclusive operation and maintenance teams</p>
<p>Shishir Gautam (Social Development Expert, DSC-05), Anil Belbase (Community Mobilisation Expert, CASSC) and Bharat Acharya (Community Mobilisation Expert, CASSC) made presentations highlighting issues like GESI compliance and categorisation of workers and need on the part of the contractors to maintain attendance register.</p>
<p>Chief of PID's Safeguards Unit, Laxmi Pant, thanked all for their participation on a short notice and their feedback/inputs.</p>
Last updated 3 mins ago