Follow-up high-level meeting assesses performance of TP-02
<p>A Follow-up High-level Meeting was held with SafBon Water Holdings (Inc), Shanghai, on performance assessment of TP-02 (wastewater treatment plants under construction at Dhobighat, Balkumari and Sallaghari). The meeting was held in the presence of Project Director of KUKL-PID Bhoj Bikram Thapa, Chairman of SafBon Hilling Zhang, Deputy Project Director of KUKL-PID Rabindra Pokhrel, Project Manager Surat Kumar Bam, Chief of KUKL-PID's Procurement Unit Laxmi Pant, authorised representative of DOHWA Engineering Cho Dae Whan and consultants under KUKL-PID.<br />
The high-level meeting conducted performance assessment of TP-02 and discussed way forward to complete the WWTPs on time.<br />
It is the follow-up meet of a meeting held in November 2019.</p>
Last updated 3 mins ago