Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project (KVWMP) 3000NEP SF
Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project has been initiated to properly manage the additionally generated wastewater that is expected as a result of increase in water consumption when Melamchi water becomes available for supply. The project was launched with the loan assistance from ADB in order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of existing wastewater sector infrastructures and to restore, establish and extension of sewerage services in KUKL service areas for improving urban rivers and tributaries and their ecosystem.The Project will include activities related to rehabilitation, improvement and reconstruction of wastewater management facilities in Kathmandu Valley. The Project also plans to lay 130 kilometers of sewerage interceptors along the banks of major rivers in the Valley. Existing wastewater treatment facilities at Gokarna, Guheshwori, Sallaghari, Kodku and Dhobighat will be rehabilitated and upgraded and their treatment capacity will be increased. A new wastewater treatment facility will be constructed in Khokana. Design works have already started, following selection of consultants, towards improvement of sewerage system and construction of sewage treatment facility in near future. Works have also started towards acquiring 40 hectares of land that will be required for construction of new treatment facility at Khokana.
The Project will invest in development of Neighbourhood Sewer Network Improvement, Expansion of Interceptor Sewers and Wastewater Treatment Plants. The resultant synergy of the project is expected to lead to increased efficiencies, greater improvement in service delivery and higher impact on health & hygiene outcomes and quality of life of people living in Kathmandu Valley.
Feasibility Study: May, 2013
Contract agreement with ADB: September, 2013
Budget: 136 Million US Dollar

The objectives of the project are as follows: To rehabilitate and expand Sewage Network To modernize and expand Wastewater Treatment Plants To strengthen the capacities and institutionalize operational and financial reforms

Scope of Works
Improve the waste water management capacity of Kathmandu Valley Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of existing sewerage system and service provision through restoration, establishment and extension of sewerage services in KUKL service areas Strengthen sewerage infrastructure to abolish ingression of wastewater into water supply pipe line and help prevent the pollution of drinking water Improve water quality in urban rivers and tributaries and their ecosystem

Progress Status
Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project